Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kayaking in the Nerul, Zuari and Sal Backwaters and more!

Nerul, Zuari, Sal Backwaters and moonlight Kayaking this weekend

Moonlight kayaking in the Zuari river - San Jacinto Island Sancoale to the Cortalim Ferry Jetty, Cortalim on the 25th, 26th and 27 January from 9.0 pm. to 11.30 pm.
Reporting time 8.15 pm.
You really have to experience it to feel the moon's spell on the waters!

Daily Morning kayaking trips into the scenic and serene Nerul river from Friday 25th January onwards till the 30th January.
Trips start daily between 8-9.30 am. at the Sinquerim Jetty Candolim and end 2.20 hrs. later in the Nerul village.

Daily Kayaking trips in to the Sal backwaters - 1st trips starts between 7-7.30 am and 2nd trip starts between 9.30-10 am. Every trip lasts 2-2.20 hrs. easy paced and enjoyed by all.

Crabbing trips in the Zuari. See birds, catch crabs, stop by the riverbanks for a cup of chai, motor in to the mangroves - riverlife at its best from the waters!

To be a part of any of these trips, call goa Kayaking's Prakash Alfonso on +91 9422056037
or mail goakayaking@gmail.com
For more details visit www.goakayaking.com

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Goa Kayaking in the Nerul Creek

Goa Kayaking in the Nerul Creek
Come Kayaking in the Nerul Creek - kayaking deep into the green mangroves

See some extraordinary sights! (below)

Wonder at what's this?
Daily kayaking trips starting from January12, 2013 right up to January 17, 2013.

All this in addition to our daily Kayaking trips in to the Sal Backwaters (below)

To be on these trips, call Goa Kayaking's Prakash Alfonso on +91 9422056037
email goakayaking@gmail.com
Details on www.goakayaking.com